
The Cradle

The Cradle

The Cradle


Life has Begun

Life did not originate by itself. Any form of life is a derivative of a set of physical laws. What is the probability of its origin?

Cover by A1d

The Cradle



The Cruelty of Survival

Life is a fight for a place under the sun, for the right to continue the race, for hope and prospects. Who is the author of the survival algorithm?

Cover by A1d

The Cradle

Why do trees die


Strategy of Amensalism

Cohabitation of organisms and different species will undoubtedly lead to both symbiosis and amensalism. Which side are you on?

Cover by A1d

The Cradle

Daily Bread


Stages of Maturity

The weak beg for alms, the independent grow their own bread, but there are many who thirst for someone else's goods. Having lost yours through someone's insatiable hands, you understand that it is time to take up arms for protection. Do you?

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The Cradle

Autumn Tales


Liberation from Ignorance

Old shackles are cozy, even felt as a part of you. Ignorance is attractive, and getting rid of it is uncomfortable, even painful. And if you are drastic, you'll see a space  of ​​new paths, beautiful as Autumn Tales.

Cover by A1d

The Cradle

Dying Winter


Meta-change of pattern

Winter has always stood apart, independent of the other season sisters. Winter is the queen of changes, it marks the death of the old, leaving of foundations and dogmas. What will happen to us if winter dies?

Cover by A1d

The Cradle

Humanoid 1.0


Evolution has Stopped

Evolution has ceased to be a significant factor of positive selection. We have learned to overcome risks and weaknesses to create the most favorable conditions. Finally, we have created something that is not subject to evolutionary laws at all. Or is this also part of evolution?

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The Cradle

Girl from Earth


Contagious Aspiration

Can we pass on aspiration by inheritance, not only by igniting passion in the souls of non-heirs, but also by making it part of our biology? Can aspiration be written into DNA?

Cover by A1d




Realm of  Subconscious

There are no shadows or halftones here. There are no exceptions or buffer zones. This is the realm of the inside out and the original chaos. Here is everything that is originally embedded in you, your source code of strength and weakness, fear and courage. This is a territory that is not controlled by you, which itself controls you. Take a step in.

Cover by A1d